Mystery Snail (Pomacea Bridgesii)
Mystery Snail (Pomacea Bridgesii) is one of the most popular, beloved snails in the aquarium hobby. Mystery snails can have a range of coloured sh...
View full detailsBlue Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. blue)
Blue Neocaridina Shrimp can draw in anyone with their striking blue color. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their h...
View full detailsOrange Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. orange)
Orange shrimp truly bring the sunshine into the aquarium. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness and vibr...
View full detailsCherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
Cherry shrimp are the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness and vibrant colours makes them a very fun to keep. They are very ...
View full detailsAssassin Snail (Anentome helena)
Assassin Snail (Anentome helena) as the name suggests, are carnivorous snails which eliminate other aquatic snails. They can also assassinate each...
View full detailsBlack Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. black)
Black Neocaridina are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness and solid deep colour makes them a very fun to keep....
View full detailsAmano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata)
Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata) are the key players when it comes to controlling hair algae in a planted tank. Armed with a group of amano sh...
View full detailsGold-back Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. gold-back yellow)
Gold-back Yellow shrimp are an eye catching yellow shrimp with a golden stripe down the middle of their back. They are some of the most popular dwa...
View full detailsBlue Dream Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. blue dream)
Blue Dream Neocaridina Shrimp can draw in anyone with their striking dark blue colour. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combinatio...
View full detailsBlack with White Spots Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania patriarchalis)
Rabbit snails are beautiful, gentle giants of the freshwater aquarium world. A substrate mixture that is soft enough for the rabbit snails to burr...
View full detailsOrange Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania gemmifera)
Rabbit snails are beautiful, gentle giants of the freshwater aquarium world. A substrate mixture that is soft enough for the rabbit snails to burr...
View full detailsWhite Hercules Snail (Brotia Herculea)
The White Hercules snail (Brotia Herculea) is an enchanting rarity in aquariums, famed for its robustness and adaptability to diverse water conditi...
View full detailsTrumpet Snail (Melanoides maculata)
The Black Trumpet Snail (Melanoides maculata) are relatively small, livebearing snails that reproduce at a quick rate if given access to a constan...
View full detailsYellow Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania sarasinorum)
Rabbit snails are beautiful, gentle giants of the freshwater aquarium world. A substrate mixture that is soft enough for the rabbit snails to burr...
View full detailsHimalayan Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania marwotoae)
Tylomelania marwotoae (Himalayan Rabbit Snail)
Magic Potion (Armadillidium vulgare)
10+ isopods
Brazos Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus Texanus)
Brazos dwarf crayfish are fantastic nano crayfish, this crayfish has a neutral colour, beige, brown, grey tones. Their colour can change as they ...
View full detailsYellow Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. yellow)
Yellow shrimp will add that touch of neon glow to the aquarium. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness an...
View full detailsGreen Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. green)
Green shrimp are unique, their colour varying from bright, lime green to dark jade. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination o...
View full detailsAssorted & Hybrid Rabbit Snails - BABY SNAILS (Tylomelania v. assorted)
Rabbit snails are beautiful, gentle giants of the freshwater aquarium world. A substrate mixture that is soft enough for the rabbit snails to burr...
View full detailsTire Track Nerite / Tiger Nerite (Neritina semiconica)
Red Lip Nerite Snail (Neritina violacea)
Neritina violacea (Red Lip Nerite Snail)
Nerite (assorted type)
Fire Red Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi)
Fire Red Shrimp are the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness and vibrant colours makes them a very fun to keep. They are ver...
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