Gold-back Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. gold-back yellow)
Gold-back Yellow shrimp are an eye catching yellow shrimp with a golden stripe down the middle of their back. They are some of the most popular dwarf shrimp, a combination of their hardiness and vibrant colours makes them a very fun to keep. They are very small scavengers that grow on average to be between 1-1.6 inches in length. At adult size males are slightly smaller and typically less colorful than the females.
Dwarf shrimp are completely peaceful and if they are kept on their own (without the threat of fish in the tank) have very curious personalities, spend time swimming through the water and breed prolifically. That is not to say they can’t be kept with fish, because they can. But fish they should be kept with must be mindfully chosen and as always, do your research! If you see what appears to be shrimp skeletons in your tank do not be alarmed. Your shrimp aren’t dead, they have just molted. As your shrimp grow they will regularly shed their outer shell. Their molt should be left in the tank for them to consume, it is very beneficial to their growth.
A planted tank environment is best for dwarf shrimp, providing plenty of surface area for grazing and exploring. The addition of botanicals (such as Indian almond leaves, or Cholla wood) is an excellent way to provide a constant food source for your shrimps, without fouling the water because they always want to eat. They are highly adaptable to a wide variety of water conditions and this makes them the most popular beginner dwarf shrimp for hobbyists.
Care Info:
- Ideal Temperature - 64° - 84° F (18° - 29° C) ~ 70’s range is ideal, heater not required.
- pH - 6.5 - 8
- KH - 3 - 18 dKH
- Tank Size - minimum 5 gallons
- Average Adult Size: 1.0" - 1.6" (2.5-4cm)
- Average Purchase Size: 0.5" - 1.0" (1.3-2.5 cm)
- Difficulty: easy
Colony bred on location- not imported shrimp.
Origin/Location - Taiwan