Golden Dwarf Barb -Pethia gelius
The Golden Dwarf Barb (Pethia gelius) is a stunning nano fish that thrives in planted aquariums. With its petite size, delicate black striping, and peaceful nature, this species is an excellent choice for aquarists looking to add vibrant activity to their tank. Unlike many barbs, it has a slender body and gentle temperament, making it compatible with other small, peaceful fish that share similar water conditions.
The Golden Dwarf Barb primarily swims in the upper and middle water columns but will occasionally explore lower areas, especially while feeding. It is safe with small, non-aggressive fish and can even coexist with dwarf shrimp, though it may consume shrimp fry. Larger, peaceful invertebrates also make excellent tankmates.
To ensure a stress-free environment, these barbs should always be kept in groups of six or more, with larger schools offering even more natural behaviour and vibrant displays. Their native habitat features slow-moving, oxygen-rich waters, so maintaining clean, well-filtered water is essential. A planted tank with a dark substrate and floating plants** will enhance their colours and overall well-being.
The Golden Dwarf Barb is an easy-to-care-for omnivore that readily accepts a variety of foods. A balanced diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or freeze-dried options will keep them healthy and brilliantly coloured.