Mystery Snail (Pomacea Bridgesii)
Mystery Snail (Pomacea Bridgesii) is one of the most popular, beloved snails in the aquarium hobby. Mystery snails can have a range of coloured shells - 4 colours to be precise and can they can have either a dark or a light "foot" (body). That makes 8 total varieties of mystery snails! It can be hard not to want them all considering they are easy to care for and thrive in a pretty wide range of habitats.
Mystery snails are not known for eating plants, if you notice them snacking plants- check that the plants are healthy and not melting/dying to begin with, as this is often the case if you get new plants that are transitioning and are weak / possibly dying the snails will eat them *it is better than them rotting in the tank!
If you bought mystery snails from another source and they are eating your plants- they may not actually be mystery snails, please reach out for assistance identifying your snails! (I may not know the type you have but at the least I can confirm if it is or is not a mystery snail and give some guidance)
Care Info:
- Ideal Temperature - 68° - 84° F (20° - 29° C)
- pH - 7.5 - 8.5
- KH - 6 - 18 dKH
- Tank Size - minimum 5 gallons
- Maximum Adult Size -2 inches (5 cm)
- Herbivore/Omnivore/scavenger - these snails are not picky, but make sure to feed them a diet with additional calcium so they have strong shell growth!
- Difficulty - easy
Average Purchase Size: .5 – 1 inch (1.3 – 2.5 cm)
*this species is bred on location* Tank bred specimens for sale, NOT imported.
Origin/Location: South America